Gallery 2

Aliens 22X28
Purple Mountains 21X28
Orange Foundation 36X48
Three Faces of Eve 40X30
Fog on 280

A sheet of cotton unspun
Of purple nightfall welkin
Colored shades if milky tufts
Picked at and strewn by rug hooks

Spills gently over Skyline
Filamentous condensate
Runs in runnels down valleys
Viridian valleys bound

Down one side, up the other
Plashing forth like bathtub foam
Or egg white wisps stiffening
Flowing up to 280

I zizz through ghostly riders
Outriders foretell the mass
Of fog at times covering me
Whipping well by my windows

Travelling through this planet space
Prickles the hairs with special grace
Spiral Bar Galaxy
A Thinner Man’s Dream 30X40
Right Action 40X30
Landscape 40X30